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How much does dental treatment cost in Australia?
Dental treatment can be expensive (especially major dental). However, the cost will vary based on which clinic you visit and which procedure you need.
COVID-19 vaccination: Commonwealth vaccination clinics in Australia
This document contains details of Commonwealth COVID-19 vaccination clinics across Australia.
How to book and register Covid-19 vaccination in Australia?
The Australian Government is committed to ensuring everyone in Australia will have access to the vaccination when it’s their turn – this includes international students who are studying in Australia.
More about the afterhours GP helpline in Australia
The helpline offers you the option of having a phone or video call with a GP, depending on your circumstances. Eligible patients are referred to a video call by a registered nurse.
Doctors on Demand: OSHC ALLIANZ
Allianz Global Assistance offers OSHC and OVHC Visitors Plus members a service that allows you to speak to a qualified doctor 24/7 via phone or video call.
Do I Need Insurance for Study Abroad?
OSHCGlobal – Studying abroad is a life-changing experience, but along with the journey come many speed bumps and headaches. You can never anticipate the issues that may arise while studying abroad and traveling, which is why travel insurance is a great thing to consider because there’s always that chance…
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